+91 9401536237
Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University was established under the provision of the Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University Act, 2005 enacted by the Assam Legislative Assembly and published in the Assam Gazette dtd. 29/9/05 by the Govt. of Assam. Its study centre was initiated here (Moran Mahila Mahavidyalaya) in May, 2012 with 48 students in the first batch (Degree 1st sem.) Next year, the enrolment rose upto 51 thereby making us fortunate enough to reach the level of 4th Sem. Another achievement to note is that we have already started BPP (Bachelor Preparatory Programme) so that all the undermatric individuals and disadvantaged groups can grab the opportunity for higher education. In this case we got 73 students in the first batch, and now the admission for the present session is going on.