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Grievance and redressal cell of Moran Mahila Mahavidyalaya was formed in the year 2014. The aim of the cell is to redress the grievances of the students and to settle their various problems.
WOMEN STUDIES AND DEVELOPMENT CELLThe college has a ‘Women Cell’. The cell have planned to organise workshops, Awareness Programmes, Exhibitions of local products by women of the locality etc. for moral, economic upliftment of the girls of the college and women of the locality as well. INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE CELL (IQAC)Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at Moran Mahila Mahavidyalaya. The IQAC cell reflects the quality management structure, strategic and processes which will enhance academic quality of the institution as perceived by faculty members, student alumni and other stakeholders etc. It is expected that it will give an educational scenario of the college as a whole. Co-ordinator- Mr. Pranjal Phukon, Asstt. Co-ordinator- Dr. Rima Kotoky. Date : 08/10/2021A talk on " PSYCHOLOGICAL RESILIENCE FOR WELLBEING OF MENTAL HEALTH " by Dr Pranjal Buragohain , Asstt Prof , Deptt of Education , Dibrugarh University .